Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Construction Update #75
All in all it was a tremendous weekend, and the current phase of the project is substantially complete, 2 weeks ahead of the scheduled completion date published in the August 8 workplan. With the concrete work and track construction complete, we can concentrate on minor deficiencies and cleanup. My sincerest thanks to everyone who has assisted so far. While a lot of work remains to ballast, lift and tamp the yard, and complete the electrical work and parts shelving in the building, we have accomplished the goal of getting the building ready for cars this fall.
Construction Update #74
The final concrete pour took place Saturday morning. The slabs adjacent to track 45 were poured, along with the slabs in front of the doors on the north side of the building. Unfortunately, the load of concrete was about half a meter short of finishing the last door slab so it will be completed with redi-mix. With the concrete pouring out of the way, attention turned to track construction. Track 45's north rail was spiked inside the building, and ties were laid out for tracks 41, 42 and 43 outside. The line and gauge rail were installed on track 42 and 43 before we ran out of light. The line rail was also set on track 41 in preparation for Sunday. Concurrent with the above, the track 46 and #7 switches had the ballast levelled off, and they were tapmed using the air tampers and a rented compressor.
Construction Update #73
Construction Update #72
Thursday was another productive day. The curb form was completed first thing in the morning, as was the catchbasin frame for Track 45. The first concrete truck arrived at 0900, and the curb was poured. The second truck arrived at 1030, and the ramp into the parts area was poured, along with the pad between the rails on Track 45. Once the concrete set up, all of the curb forms were stripped to allow for finishing. As well as being a nice cosmetic detail, the curb performs an important stormwater management function - It retains the cobbles which break up the run-off from the roof, and directs the runoff into the drain pipe along the wall, which in turn carries the stormwater away.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Construction Update #71
The face form for the north curb was constructed and installed last night. Remaining is the "Bullnose" form at the east end which is being built today. Arrangements have been made to have the track crew back this coming weekend, and the track will be completed by Sunday night. Work has been progressing at a feverish pace for the past 3 months solid, and the light at the end of the tunnel is blazing bright. Stay tuned for updates as we work through the last few parts of this phase of the project.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Construction Update #70
We had another busy weekend, and the final pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. The forms on the north floor slab were stripped, and flipped over to form the back of the curf. Face forms for the curb will be borrowed from a curb contractor, and the curb will be poured in the next week or so. Track 45 was lifted and blocked through the doorway, and the slab forms were installed along with the track drain pipe. The ramp leading into the parts area was also formed, and is ready to pour. The balance of the slabs will be poured toward the end of this week.
Prep work for track construction was also done, and there is 270 feet left to construct. It is planned to complete this work this coming weekend.
Funds for track material are atill needed - please contribute if you can.
Prep work for track construction was also done, and there is 270 feet left to construct. It is planned to complete this work this coming weekend.
Funds for track material are atill needed - please contribute if you can.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Construction Update #69
The BIG POUR was undertaken today. 61 cubic meters of concrete were placed between 0800 and 1430, representing 8 truckloads. The trucks arrived every 45 minutes like clockwork, and each truck took 35-40 minutes to unload. The trucks were backed into the building, and the parts slab was poured from west to east. The concrete was leveled and finished continuously. We had a great turnout, and there were enough hands for all the tools. We completed finishing around 1645, and the initials of everyone who assisted with all the pours to date were carved in the floor at 1700. This completes the bulk of the concrete work with 116 cubic meters placed so far. My sincerest thanks to everyone who came out to help.
Construction Update #68
Ballast was dumped on the #7 switch and the lead in preparation for more surfacing. In addition, the damaged concrete from last weeks pour was jackhammered out in preparation for re-finishing the two slabs on Track 41 & 42. Prep work for "The Big Pour" was also done. All the pieces are slowly falling into place!
Funds to complete 5the last 3 tracks are still needed - Please contribute if you can. Every $20 makes a difference.
At 1655 on Tuesday October 27, 2009, the first railcar entered the building on Track 45. Granted it was our CP parts storage boxcar, but the significance of the milestone should not be underestimated. After dumping ballast on the lead, the ballast hopper was placed inside on Track 44. Within the next 6 weeks, the building will be full of cars.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Construction Update #67
Trackwork continued at a feverish pace, helped along by better weather. Track 46 was completed outside, and connected to the building. Shortly thereafter, track 45 was completed outside and connected to the building. Track 45 was also completed inside. The missing section of track 44 was also built and connected to the building. By the end of the day, tracks 44, 45 & 46 were completed. Due to the weather delays, tracks 41-43 have yet to be connected, but the missing sections on each track are 92 feet long - this represents another day of work to finish. Concurrently with the trackwork, the #46 switch was lifted and blocked, and the floor forms on the north wall were completed. If the weather co-operates, the concrete will be poured this coming week, and the trackwork will be completed shortly thereafter.
Construction Update #66
Saturday was another good day for track construction. Track 46 was laid out outside, and the crossover switch was built. Unfortunately, rain delayed the work again, and production suffered somewhat. By the end of the day, one rail on track 46 was connected to the building - The building was connected to the mainline for the first time. The Ballast car was loaded with ballast for the lead & ladder switches, and material was also prepared for the balance of the trackwork.
Construction Update #65
Trackwork Weekend #2 commenced Friday. Track 45 was laid out, and 2/3 built inside the building, and track 44 was gauged, spiked, and realigned outside. Unfortunately, heavy rain slowed production, but the work proceeded well under the circumstances. Once again, our hired "Professional Trackmen" did a great job.
Construction Update #64
Concrete pour #3 was completed on Wednesday October 21. The east pad was poured between the rails on tracks 41-44 and 46. Concurrent with the pour, the drain was installed on track 46, and the catchbasin frames and risers were installed on Tracks 41-44 & 46. Unfortunately, the pour was hindered by the weather - the forecasted "Late afternoon showers" actually arrived as a monsoon as the concrete was being placed. As a result, some reqork will be required on tracks 41 & 42.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Construction Update #63
Concrete work continues to progress. The forms were stripped from the south wall over the weekend, and are ready for re-installation on the north wall. The forms for the east slab on tracks 41-44 were completed, as was the slab south of track 46. The devilstrips between tracks 41 & 42, 42 & 43, 43 & 44 were poured today as well as the section south of track 46. The east slab is now about 50% done. The sections between the rails will be poured next (The need for access to finish the slab precluded pouring it all at once). Thanks to Dave B. and Chris F. for their assistance with the pour. Photos to come.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Construction Update #62
The forms for the east slab are about half done, and the track drains are also about half complete. The floor slab forms were stripped from the south wall today, and are ready for re-use on the north wall. The East slab will be poured in sections over the next 2 weeks, and it is hoped to pour the north slab at the end of next week.
Funds for track material are still needed. Please contribute if you can.
Funds for track material are still needed. Please contribute if you can.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Construction Update #61
The first concrete pour was completed today. We poured the slab between track 46 and the south wall. Notwithstanding a minor "Glitch" with the formwork, the pour went well, and I am pleased with the results. Thanks to everyone who came out to assist - many hands made light work.
Funds are still needed to complete the track in the yard, which is required to get the cars into the barn. Please contribute if you can.
Funds are still needed to complete the track in the yard, which is required to get the cars into the barn. Please contribute if you can.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Construction Uodate #60
Monday, September 28, 2009
Construction Update #59
Sunday was another great day. Tracks 44 and 46 were completed, once again with the assistance of our professional crew. They will return in a month to complete track 45 and the balance of the yard once the concrete work is done. The north parts pad was completed, and track 46 was ballasted, and the south parts pad was graded, packed, and topped uo with crusher run. Ballast and crushed limestone were also placed on the concrete apron area at the east end of track 46, and between tracks 43 and 44.
Work on lifting, lining and tamping the switches continued, and the connecting rod and stand were installed on the #7 switch and the #46 switch.
All in all it was a great weekend, and we accomplished everything we set out to. Thanks to everyone for their hard work. The next step is to pour the concrete walkway and parts slab, as well as the concrete apron on the east end of the building. The light at the end of the tunnel for this project has officially been turned on!
Construction Update #58
WOW! What a day! Working with our four man professional track crew, we completed tracks 42 and 43. Track 44's ties and plates were laid out, in preparation for spiking on Sunday. Concurrent with the track work, the granular for hte north parts pad was placed, trimmed and compacted. Track 41 was also ballasted, and the ballast pad was placed on Tracks 42 and 43 for the concrete apron. We are indebted to the Ottawa 696 group for all the assistance raking & packing the stone.
At the same time, installation of the switch stands continued, and the 44 switch was jacked and tamped. The pile of ties and rail is shrinking fast!
Construction Update #57
Work on the track commenced as planned. Our four man professional crew was split up for the first half of the day. Half of the crew worked on the mainline with the hired backhoe, and they changed 57 ties in 4 hours. Impressive considering our previous record was 24 ties in an entire day with a considerably larger crew.
The other half of the crew worked to lay out the ties and rail for Track 41 and track 46. By the end of the day, Track 41 was complete, and the ties, plates and line rail were laid out for track 42. Concurrently, the hired backhoe "Cribbed" all the surplus ballast off the swicthes leading into the yard to enable them to be lifted and lined. All in all it was a great day, and we are on target to complete the planned work with time to spare on Sunday.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Construction Update #56
A lot of groundwork was laid this week for "Track Weekend #1" which is coming up this weekend. The goal is to have 5 of the tracks completed inside the building. At the same time, we will change 60 ties on the mainline. Beyond the trackwork, the forms for the south floor slab are complete, and concrete can be poured as soon as track 46 is built. The pace of the project will soon reach a feverish pace.
Funds for track materials are still needed. Please contribute if you can. We're in the home stretch here, and every $20 helps.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Construction Update #55
Today was another productive day. A rented PNR 10-ton was on site to sort & move our tie stockpile. There are over 750 ties on site, of which 550 had plates still installed. PNR's stellar operator, Dan, laid the ties in neat rows and they were methodically stripped. It is worth noting that over 500 of the ties had 8 spikes in them - Needless to say, a clawbar would have taken abour 3 months. To that end, I borrowed a hydraulic spike puller, and PNR generously loaned us a hydraulic power pack to run it - The result was that a spike could be pulled in about 3 seconds with minimal effort beyond the brute force required to carry the spike puller. The ties were all neatly stockpiled after stripping. All the spikes will be reused, and the plates were all sent back to PNR for a credit towards the days operation. Sincere thanks to Ian Smith and Chris Fox for their assistance, and to PNR for loaning us the hydraulic power pack.
Construction Update #54
Wednesday saw a lot of progress and a couple of milestones. The ballast inside the barn(Which was placed last fall) was fine graded by a contracted dozer and operator. It is now perfectly level, and ready for track. The entire area north of the building was graded, trimmed, and 225 tons of grusher run was placed and graded. The ballast apron east of the building was also fine graded in preparation for track work. Installation of the forms on the south side of the building continued and they should be complete by the end of the week. An inordinate amount of work was accomplished in a single day by a few people, and the project is moving ahead on plan and on schedule.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Construction Update #53
Momentum is building. Over the weekend, the stockpiled ballast was moved out of the way of track construction, and the subdrainage system was installed. The form material is all on site, and installation of the south floor form will start tomorrow. The ties have been moved into a central stockpile, and they will be sorted and stripped later this week. The contract dozer will be on site Wednesday to fine grade the preballast and the building envelope, and by the end of this week the area will be unrecognizable.
Funds for track materials are still needed - please contribute if you can.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Construction Update #52
Cleanup of the site is nearly complete. A subdrainage system is being installed, and the stockpiled ballast is being relocated to make room for track construction. The material for the floor forms is on site and installation will commence next week. A contractor has been hired to fine grade the pre-ballast inside the barn as well as the building envelope next week. Track construction will commence on September 25, and will be complete by the end of October. Funds for track materials are still needed - please contribute if you can.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Construction Update #51
Once again, the project is gaining momentum. Cleanup is ongoing, and difinitive progress will be obvious commencing next week. Cleanup will be complete by September 13, and construction will commence. A schedule and detailed workplan have been prepared and circulated. Funds are still required to complete the tracks - Please contribute if you can.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Construction Update #50
Cleanup around the building perimeter is ongoing, and a plan is in place to construct all the track and get the floor slabs poured this fall. Construction work will start in September. Check for more frequent updates in the fall.
Funds are still needed to complete the track leading to the building. Please contribute if you can - we're almost at the finish line - every little bit helps.
Funds are still needed to complete the track leading to the building. Please contribute if you can - we're almost at the finish line - every little bit helps.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fundraising Update #4
Great News!!!!! We were notified by the Town of Milton that our Grant application in the amount of $35,000 was approved. The funds will be spent on concrete and granular materials to complete the exterior walls down to grade, pour a 2900 SqFt concrete pad for the parts area, entrance slabs at the exterior doors, a walkway along the south side of the building, and a walkway along the east end of the building both inside and out. This work will commence in October.
In preparation, we need to get the tracks built, and funds are required. In addition to funds on hand, $10,000 is required to complete all the tracks inside the building. If we are successful in raising the money, all the tracks and concrete work will be complete by November, at which time we can move cars into the building and it will finally fulfill its purpose. Please contribute if you can.
We would be remiss if we didn't mention a $3,000 cash donation towards the project by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The donation was made as part of an employee matching program to match donations made by Tom Twigge and David Johns.
In preparation, we need to get the tracks built, and funds are required. In addition to funds on hand, $10,000 is required to complete all the tracks inside the building. If we are successful in raising the money, all the tracks and concrete work will be complete by November, at which time we can move cars into the building and it will finally fulfill its purpose. Please contribute if you can.
We would be remiss if we didn't mention a $3,000 cash donation towards the project by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The donation was made as part of an employee matching program to match donations made by Tom Twigge and David Johns.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fundraising Update #3
Donations towards the project continue to come in, for which we are most grateful. Additional funds are still required - Please contribute if you can. The following donations have been received SINCE September 16, 2008.
TRAINMASTER - $5,000 to $24,999
CONDUCTOR - $1,000 to $4,999
Cooper, Ron
Gingrich. J
Hunt, Jim
Johnson, J
Jones, Harold
Skillen, John
Toronto Transportation Society
ENGINEER - $500 to $999
Coleman, Brian
Franks, Glen
Franks, Justin
Heard, Ken
Hunt, Esme
Sandusky, R
Watson, Bill
TRAINMAN - $100 to $499
Alfonson, Ed
Anderson, Richard
Biglow, Barry
Burns, Ron
Dillon, G
Dunn, Juilian
Eckert, Harley
Folkard, Ian
Freyseng, J
Gregorasz, Michael
Herbert, Louis N
Knowles, Jack
Krehel Jr, John P
Members night BBQ
Smatlak, John
Smith, Howard
Steele, John
Stewart, Hazel
Thompson, William
Thomson, Keith
Warwick, Ken
TRAINEE - up to $99
Brown, Douglas
McKernan, E
Thompson, Walter
Twigge-Molecey, Tom
Weare, Robert
TRAINMASTER - $5,000 to $24,999
CONDUCTOR - $1,000 to $4,999
Cooper, Ron
Gingrich. J
Hunt, Jim
Johnson, J
Jones, Harold
Skillen, John
Toronto Transportation Society
ENGINEER - $500 to $999
Coleman, Brian
Franks, Glen
Franks, Justin
Heard, Ken
Hunt, Esme
Sandusky, R
Watson, Bill
TRAINMAN - $100 to $499
Alfonson, Ed
Anderson, Richard
Biglow, Barry
Burns, Ron
Dillon, G
Dunn, Juilian
Eckert, Harley
Folkard, Ian
Freyseng, J
Gregorasz, Michael
Herbert, Louis N
Knowles, Jack
Krehel Jr, John P
Members night BBQ
Smatlak, John
Smith, Howard
Steele, John
Stewart, Hazel
Thompson, William
Thomson, Keith
Warwick, Ken
TRAINEE - up to $99
Brown, Douglas
McKernan, E
Thompson, Walter
Twigge-Molecey, Tom
Weare, Robert
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Construction Update #49
Cleanup work around the perimeter of the building continues. We have also submitted our grant application for the concrete walkways and ties. We should hear about the grant outcome by July.
Fundraising continues both to complete the interior, and help with the financing. All contributions are appreciated.
Fundraising continues both to complete the interior, and help with the financing. All contributions are appreciated.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Construction Update #48
Installation of the roll up doors is now complete. The blown out foam closures on the roof were all repaired, the missing doorjamb was installed, and the construction debris was all finally removed from the site. Cleanup of the area north on the barn is underway. The grant application for the track is nearly ready for submission, and we should know where we stand in July. Fundraising for ties continues - all contributions are welcomed.
Construction Update #47
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Construction Update #46
Fabrication of the roll up doors is now complete and installation is scheduled to start tomorrow. The work should be completed by April 10th. Fundraising for track construction is still ongoing. Please contribute if you can.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Construction Update #45
Notwithstanding my infrequent updates, the project is still progressing. The purchase order for the track doors was issued a few weeks ago, and the doors are scheduled for installation by the end of next week. With their installation, the building will be substantially enclosed with the exception of the 18" gap between the ground and the bottom of the walls. We will be applying for funding from the Milton Community Fund in April for sufficient concrete to completely enclose the building, and pour slabs for the parts area and walkways.
Funds are still required to build track. As noted previously, 540 ties are needed at $20 each, as well as some machine rentals. Total funds required to build all the track is estimated at $15,800 of which over $2,500 has already been donated. Without money for track, the building cannot be used for its intended function. Please contribute if you can.
Funds are still required to build track. As noted previously, 540 ties are needed at $20 each, as well as some machine rentals. Total funds required to build all the track is estimated at $15,800 of which over $2,500 has already been donated. Without money for track, the building cannot be used for its intended function. Please contribute if you can.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Construction Update #44
As noted in previous posts, we applied for funding to install the track doors, build the tracks, and concrete the perimeter floor in the building. Our application was partially successful, and the Town of Milton Community Fund generously awarded us $20,000 towards the purchase of the overhead doors. The $7,000 for installation will be paid from the general fund. The cheque has been received from the Town, and a PO for the doors will be issued shortly. We are very grateful to the Milton Community Fund for their continued support.
We are now faced with additional fundraising to build track. The rail, plates and OTM are all on hand but we need ties. Relay ties cost $20 each including delivery, and a total of 540 are needed in the building. Unfortunately, without track, the building cannot fulfil its intended function - Please contribute if you can.
We are now faced with additional fundraising to build track. The rail, plates and OTM are all on hand but we need ties. Relay ties cost $20 each including delivery, and a total of 540 are needed in the building. Unfortunately, without track, the building cannot fulfil its intended function - Please contribute if you can.
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