Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Construction Update #74

The final concrete pour took place Saturday morning. The slabs adjacent to track 45 were poured, along with the slabs in front of the doors on the north side of the building. Unfortunately, the load of concrete was about half a meter short of finishing the last door slab so it will be completed with redi-mix. With the concrete pouring out of the way, attention turned to track construction. Track 45's north rail was spiked inside the building, and ties were laid out for tracks 41, 42 and 43 outside. The line and gauge rail were installed on track 42 and 43 before we ran out of light. The line rail was also set on track 41 in preparation for Sunday. Concurrent with the above, the track 46 and #7 switches had the ballast levelled off, and they were tapmed using the air tampers and a rented compressor.

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