Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fundraising Update #3

Donations towards the project continue to come in, for which we are most grateful. Additional funds are still required - Please contribute if you can. The following donations have been received SINCE September 16, 2008.



TRAINMASTER - $5,000 to $24,999


CONDUCTOR - $1,000 to $4,999
Cooper, Ron
Gingrich. J
Hunt, Jim
Johnson, J
Jones, Harold
Skillen, John
Toronto Transportation Society

ENGINEER - $500 to $999

Coleman, Brian
Franks, Glen
Franks, Justin
Heard, Ken
Hunt, Esme
Sandusky, R
Watson, Bill

TRAINMAN - $100 to $499

Alfonson, Ed
Anderson, Richard
Biglow, Barry
Burns, Ron
Dillon, G
Dunn, Juilian
Eckert, Harley
Folkard, Ian
Freyseng, J
Gregorasz, Michael
Herbert, Louis N
Knowles, Jack
Krehel Jr, John P
Members night BBQ
Smatlak, John
Smith, Howard
Steele, John
Stewart, Hazel
Thompson, William
Thomson, Keith
Warwick, Ken

TRAINEE - up to $99

Brown, Douglas
McKernan, E
Thompson, Walter
Twigge-Molecey, Tom
Weare, Robert

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Construction Update #49

Cleanup work around the perimeter of the building continues. We have also submitted our grant application for the concrete walkways and ties. We should hear about the grant outcome by July.

Fundraising continues both to complete the interior, and help with the financing. All contributions are appreciated.